Operation Rescue West



“Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways”

Romans 3:15


Lawrence, KS – After many years of running from the Law, the Medical Board and creditors, Kristin Neuhaus, finally closed her abortion mill in Lawrence. Last year she was forced to leave Wichita as the pressure from pro-life activists culminated in a suspended license. She ceased committing abortions for 6 weeks.

Miss Neuhaus was the focus of a 10 month investigation by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts for illegally dispensing narcotics, bad record keeping and performing an abortion on a person that withdrew her consent. Several other women testified to like infractions. The board gave Neuhaus a written reprimand and prohibited her from using certain anesthesia.

As poetic justice, Neuhaus’ abortuary was closed on the first anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Operation Rescue West believes it is altogether fitting that one more villain of life is forced to close its doors.

Missionaries Jeff and Michele Herzog have faithfully witnessed to Miss Neuhaus and her husband during her time in Wichita, but never ceased praying for their conversion in the last two years. When asked what they thought of Neuhaus’ financial woes their response was simply, “It is an answer to prayer from a God who shall not be mocked.”

“Neuhaus has been a threat to women’s lives and a menace to the helpless pre-born children. Therefore, we celebrate the closure and we anticipate the eradication of all Kansas abortuaries.” - Michele Herzog, ORW Missionary

“I prayerfully moved to Wichita to help close abortion mills. Although this killing center has been vacated God will not be satisfied until EVERY one ceases and desists from slaughtering children.” -Troy Newman, Director, Operation Rescue West