Operation Shield


Your time is valuable. Let me get right to the point. The Pro-life movement called “Operation Rescue,” sent thousands of clergy and laymen to prison but closed dozens of Abortion Clinics and saved over 600 children who are alive and well today.

That type of movement is about to be reinitiated this year with a new target.

California schools will be starting their “gay agenda” teaching for grades k-12. They will be instructed to say that homosexual behavior is “sinful” or “wrong,” is a hate crime, and risk punishment – even if that is what their Christian faith teaches.

This highly liberal agenda will be confronted through parents (mainly Moms) who will engage in peaceful “sit-ins” or “Pray at the Pole (school flag poll)” rallies across the state. Fathers will be encourage to physically block school entrances when the Gay agenda is introduced.

Many of these people will risk arrest, thus adding to the impact for public outcry through the jailing of parents who’s only crime is to protect their children from Homosexual indoctrination.